In the event of an emergency affecting the facility, whether it be the result of natural or man-made circumstances, we want to assure you that we have systems in place to respond to such emergencies. In an actual emergency situation as you might imagine, there will be a lot of fast paced activity occurring with first responders and other emergency personnel arriving at the scene.
We understand that your primary concern will be focused on the well-being of your loved one. We also understand that you will want to call or come into the facility to check on the status of your family. We respectfully ask however, that you resist the temptation to do so, as facility personnel will contact you via the phone number you furnished upon admission, to provide you any status updates.
Any family member, guardian or POA who wishes to review the Disaster Plan can do so by reviewing the Emergency Preparedness manuals which are conveniently located at each nurse’s station.
Your loved one’s safety is of our highest priority and concern. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to communicate with you as efficiently and effectively as possible throughout the entirety of any emergent event. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Administrator and/or Director of Nursing, or any of our Administrative staff with any questions you may have.
Click HERE for a printable version of the Disaster Plan Instructions for Families.
In the event of an emergency affecting the facility, whether it be the result of natural or man-made causes, we want you to know that we have processes and procedures in place to respond to such emergencies. In an actual emergency as you might imagine, there will be a great deal of activity taking place, with potential first responders and emergency personnel arriving on the scene.
Should an actual emergency occur facility personnel will alert you as to the need to make any scheduled or needed deliveries. If you are in the facility conducting business when an emergency occurs, we may request your assistance in responding to emergency in some manner.
We encourage all our vendors to review the facility Emergency Preparedness manuals, which are conveniently located at each nurse’s station. Just notify the charge nurse at the nurse’s station of your desire to review the manual. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Administrator and/or Director of Nursing, or any of our administrative staff.
Click HERE for a printable version of the Disaster Plan Instructions for Vendors.